Sheet metal – Kazakhstan Metallurgical Company

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Sheet metal

Sheet metal is a type of metallurgical products used in construction and industrial industries. The basis of rolled products is carbon steel of various types and quality. Among the products manufactured using sheet metal, it can be noted: corners, strips, channels, etc. Sheet metal has the following properties:

– high strength index

– affordable price

– long service life

– good weldability indicator

– slight sensitivity to temperature changes

– resistance to rust.




We design and manufacture items

to order from one-piece work to a full batch and in compliance with all quality standards.



Sheets per pack

Sheet weight (kg)

Price (USD, EUR, KZT)

We design and manufacture items

to order from one-piece work to a full batch and in compliance with all quality standards.

Hot sheet rolling

This type of sheet metal is produced as follows: a pre–prepared metal billet is heated to a temperature at which it becomes plastic, after which the material is passed through a rolling mill. Further, the resulting product is subjected to heat treatment. Rolled products, the basis of which is low-alloy steel, are most often used in the construction industry. In addition, it is distinguished by the low cost of production. Rolled sheets consisting of structural alloys are used in mechanical engineering, as well as other industries. Hot rolled products can be classified by thickness as:
– Thin, the maximum thickness of which does not exceed 4 mm. These sheets are processed using the etching method and further twisting into rolls, which makes it convenient to transport the material.
– Thick, the maximum thickness of which has an indicator of 16 mm. The proca is delivered and transported in sheets.
Among the main advantages of hot-rolled sheets can be noted: ease of processing, resistance to temperature changes, excellent surface quality of the material. Hot–rolled steel is used in many aspects of life – it is used in the creation of barbecues, street metal structures, fences, various buildings, etc.

Cold rolled sheet metal

This rolled product is manufactured using cold deformation of metal blanks. Unlike hot-rolled products, when cold-rolled, the resulting sheets have a large thickness. Profiled flooring, roofing and other materials are produced from products manufactured using this method. Basically cold rolled sheet metal is classified by surface type:
– Galvanized. The surface is covered with a zinc composition, which increases the protective properties against corrosion and mechanical influences. These sheets are used in facade systems, roofing, food and medical industries.
– Corrugated. On such sheets, an embossing in the form of a diamond or lentil is created, increasing the anti-slip properties. Corrugated sheets are used when working with coatings of walls, stairs, platforms and other horizontal surfaces.
– Corrugated sheets. This type of product is distinguished by its appearance – trapezoids or waves. The material has strong strength characteristics, which allows it to withstand significant mechanical loads. Corrugated sheets are used to create sandwich panels, erecting fences, covering the roof and walls of the building.
– Smooth untreated. The material is not processed in additional ways – it is immediately shipped and transported. Such sheets are used for the manufacture of various tools, dishes, strips, cases, etc.
By purchasing sheet metal in the company “Kazakhstan Metallurgical Company”, you protect yourself from any risks.

Work stages

1 day

Request submission

Contact us on +7 343 312 67 40 or leave your contact details and we will call you back during business hours

1 day

Contract signing

14 days

Product manufacture

1 day


We will send you an invoice inclusive of shipping. Upon receipt of advance payment, we will put your order into production

2 days

Customs registration

up to 30 days


Goods in stock are shipped on the next after payment receipt. If goods need to be manufactured, then the average production period is 1.5 months

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